張建明,教授/江蘇特聘教授,博導。2013年畢業于加拿大國立科學研究學院(INRS)能源、通訊與材料研究中心,獲博士學位。2013年至2016年在加拿大魁北克大學蒙特利爾分校從事博士後研究,獲魁北克省政府博士後研究獎第一名。2016年10月回國加入菠菜技术交流论坛任教。近5年在ACS Nano, Chemistry of Materials, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, ACS Applied Interface and Materials, Chemical Communication等化學、材料類期刊發表論文近30篇,成果被引用1000餘次,3篇被評為ESI高被引論文(ESI top 1%);申請美國專利兩項,并實現企業轉化。
2004年至2008年曾在日本信越(Shinetsu)化學工業株式會社和通用電氣(GE)中國研發中心任研發工程師,具有較強的産品應用開發背景。目前與加拿大University of Sherbrook、 INRS、香港大學等單位有緊密的⏭➰關系,被聘為University of Sherbrook客座教授。
1) Ultrathin Carbon-Coated Pt/Carbon Nanotubes: A Highly Durable Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction, X Tong, J Zhang,* G Zhang, Q Wei, R Chenitz, J Claverie, S Sun, Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 9579 (IF=9.46);
2) An In Situ Polymerization-Encapsulation Approach to Prepare TiO2–Graphite Carbon–Au Photocatalysts for Efficient Photocatalysis, J Zhang,* X Jin, X Yu, Y Sang, L Razzari, H Liu, J Claverie, Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 2017, 1700297;
3) Manipulation of charge transfer in vertically aligned epitaxial ferroelectric KNbO3 nanowire array photoelectrodes, S Li, J Zhang (共同一作), B Zhang, W Huang, C Harnagea, R Nechache, L Zhu, S Zhang, Y Lin, L Ni, Y Sang, H Liu, F Rosei, Nano Energy, 2017, 35, 92 (IF=12.343);
4) J Zhang, Y Huang, L Jin, F Rosei, F Vetrone and J Claverie, Efficient Upconverting Multiferroic Core@Shell Photocatalysts: Visible-to-Near-Infrared Photon Harvesting, ACS Applied Interface and Materials, 2017, 9, 8142 (IF=7.5);
5) J Zhang,* J Claverie, M Chaker, D Ma. Colloidal Metal Nanoparticles Prepared by Laser Ablation and their Applications, ChemPhysChem, 2017, 18, 986;
6) J Zhang, M Chaker, D Ma. Pulsed Laser Ablation Based Synthesis of Colloidal Metal Nanoparticles for Catalytic Applications, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2017, 489, 138 (IF=4.23, ESI top 1%);
7) J Zhang, X Jin, PI Morales-Guzman, X Yu, H Liu, H Zhang, L Razzari, J Claverie. Engineering the Absorption and Field Enhancement Properties of Au-TiO2 Nanohybrids via Whispering Gallery Mode Resonances for Photocatalytic Water Splitting. ACS Nano, 2016, 10, 4496 (IF=13.94, ESI top 1%);
8) J Zhang, M Vasei Nasrabadi, Y Sang, H Liu, J Claverie. TiO2@Carbon Photocatalysts: The Effect of Carbon Thickness on Catalysis. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2016, 8, 1903 (IF=7.5);
9) J Zhang, F Abbasi, J Claverie. An Efficient Templating Approach for the Synthesis of Redispersible Size-Controllable Carbon Quantum Dots from Graphitic Polymeric Micelles. Chemistry A European Journal, 2015, 21, 15142 (IF=5.31);
10) J Zhang, G Chen, M Chaker, F Rosei, D Ma. Highly active PtAu alloy nanoparticle catalyst for the reduction of 4-nitrophenol. Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 2125 (IF=7.76, ESI top: 1%);
11) G Chen, J Zhang,* A Gupta, F Rosei, D Ma. Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Ruthenium Nanostructures and Their Catalytic Applications. New Journal of Chemistry, 2014, 38, 1827;
12) J Zhang, G Chen, M Chaker, F Rosei, D Ma. Gold nanoparticle decorated ceria nanotubes with significantly high catalytic activity for the reduction of nitrophenol and mechanism study, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2013, 132-133, 107 (IF=9.446);
13) S Li, J Zhang (共同一作), MG Kibria, Z Mi, M Chaker, D Ma, R Nechache, F Rosei. Remarkably enhanced photocatalytic activity of laser ablated Au nanoparticles decorated BiFeO3 nanowires under visible-light, Chemical Communications, 2013, 49, 5856;
14) J Zhang, D Han, H Zhang, M Chaker, Y Zhao, D Ma. In situ recyclable gold nanoparticles using CO2-switchable polymers for catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol, Chemical Communications, 2012, 48, 11510;
15) J Zhang, DN Oko, S Garbarino, R Imbeault, M Chaker, AC Tavares, D Guay, D Ma. Preparation of PtAu alloy colloids by laser ablation in solution and their characterization, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012, 116, 13413;
16) J Zhang, D Riabinina, M Chaker, D Ma. Effect of surface oxidation on the interaction of 1-methylaminopyrene with gold nanoparticles, Langmuir, 2012, 28, 2858;
17) J Zhang, D Riabinina, M Chaker, D Ma. Significant Stability Enhancement of gold colloids via nanosecond laser irradiation, Advanced Scientific Letters, 2011, 4, 59;
18) DN Oko, S Garbarino, J Zhang, Z Xu, M Chaker, D Ma, D Guay, A. Tavares. Dopamine and ascorbic acid electro-oxidation on Au, AuPt and Pt nanoparticles prepared by pulse laser ablation in water, Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 159, 174;
19) M Li, SK Cushing, J Zhang, S Suri, R Evans, WP Petros, LF Gibson, D Ma, N Wu. Three-dimensional hierarchical plasmonic nano-architecture enhanced surface-enhanced raman scattering immuno-sensor for cancer biomarker detection in blood plasma, ACS Nano, 2013, 7, 4967;
20) H Zhang, J Zhang, X Tong, D Ma, Y Zhao. Light Polarization-Controlled Shape-Memory Polymer/Gold Nanorod Composite. Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2013, 34, 1575;
21) D N Oko, J Zhang, S Garbarino, M Chaker, D Ma, AC Tavares, D Guay. Formic acid electro-oxidation at PtAu alloyed nanoparticles synthesized by pulsed laser ablation in liquids, Journal of Power Source, 2014, 248: 273;
22) A Y Mahmoud, J Zhang, D Ma, R Izquierdo, VV Truong. Thickness dependent enhanced efficiency of polymer solar cells with gold nanorods embedded in the photoactive layer, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2013, 116, 1;
23) A Y Mahmoud, J Zhang, D Ma, R Izquierdo, VV Truong, Optically-enhanced performance of polymer solar cells with low concentration of gold nanorods in the anodic buffer layer, Organic Electronics, 2012, 13, 3102;
24) M Li, J Zhang, S Suri, LJ Sooter, D Ma, N Wu. Detection of Adenosine Triphosphate with an Aptamer Biosensor based on Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering, Analytical Chemistry, 2012, 84, 2837;
25) M Li, SK Cushing, J Zhang, J Lankford, ZP Aguilar, D Ma, N Wu. Shape-Dependent Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering in Gold-Raman Probe-Silica Sandwiched Nanoparticles for Biocompatible Applications, Nanotechnology, 2012, 23, 115501;
26) D Riabinina, J Zhang, M Chaker, J Margot, D Ma. Size Control of Gold Nanoparticles Synthesized by Laser Ablation in Liquid Media, ISRN Nanotechnology, 2012, 2012, 297863;
27) G P Dai, J Zhang, S Deng. Synthesis and Characterization of Nitrogen-Doped Monolayer and Multilayer Graphene on TEM Copper Grids, Chemical Physics Letters, 2011, 516, 212;
28) D Riabinina, J Zhang, M Chaker, J Margot, D Ma, P Tijssen. Control of Plasmon Resonance of Gold Nanoparticles via Excimer Laser Irradiation. Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 2011, 102, 153.
· US Patent: J Zhang; J Claverie. US 62/206,453, Self Redispersable Carbon Quantum Dots - Filed in Aug. 2015
· US Patent: J Zhang; J Claverie. US 15/239,880, Manufacturing Carbon Quantum Dots - Filed in Aug. 2016