朱國興,1982年10月生,安徽安慶人,理學博士,教授,博士生導師,中國化學會會員。2010年博士畢業于南京大學,獲理學博士學位。博士論文獲全國百篇優秀博士論文提名獎、江蘇省優秀博士論文獎,入選江蘇省“六大人才高峰”高層次人才,菠菜技术交流论坛青年骨幹教師培養工程。主要從事能源功能導向微納米結構材料的表界面調控ˏ 光電催化化學及電極性能研究。相關科研成果在Journal of the American Chemical Society, Advanced Functional Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, ACS Applied Energy Materials, Nanoscale等國内外有影響力的SCI期刊上發表論文100餘篇。科研成果獲江蘇省科學技術獎三等獎(排名第二)。
2016/8-2017/9, 美國加州大學聖克魯茲分校,訪問學者
2007/9-2010/6, 南京大學化學專業,理學博士
2004/9-2007/6, 安徽師範大學材料物理與化學專業,工學碩士
2000/9-2004/6, 安徽師範大學化學專業,本科
1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,21776115, 主持在研
2. 江蘇省第十五批六大人才高峰項目,No. XCL-017,主持在研
3. 江蘇省自然科學基金面上項目,BK20161343,主持在研
4. 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目,51102117, 主持結題
5. 中國博士後特别資助基金項目,2012T50466, 主持結題
6. 中國博士後面上基金項目,2011M500085, 主持結題
7. 江蘇省博士後基金,1102001C,主持結題
8. 菠菜技术交流论坛 “青年骨幹教師培養工程”青年學術帶頭人項目
9. 南京大學配位化學國家重點實驗室開放課題,主持結題
1. Guoxing Zhu,* Xulan Xie, Xiaoyun Li, Yuanjun Liu, Xiaoping Shen,* Keqiang Xu, Shaowei Chen,* Nanocomposites Based on CoSe2-Decorated FeSe2 Nanoparticles Supported on Reduced Graphene Oxide as High-Performance Electrocatalysts toward Oxygen Evolution Reaction. ACS Applied Material & Interfaces. 2018, 10: 19258-19270. (IF =8.456)
2. Yuanjun Liu, Xulan Xie, Guoxing Zhu,* Yu Mao, Suxiao Ju, Xiaoping Shen,* Huan Pang, Small Sized Fe-Co Sulfide Nanoclusters Anchored on Carbon for Oxygen Evolution. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2019, 7: 15851-15861. (IF = 10.733)
3. Suxiao Ju, Yuanjun Liu,* Hui Chen, Fujiang Tan, Aihua Yuan,* Xiaoyun Li, Guoxing Zhu,* In situ Surface Chemistry Engineering of Cobalt-Sulfide Nanosheets for Improved Oxygen Evolution Activity. ACS Applied Energy Materials. 2019, 2: 4439-4449.
4. Guoxing Zhu, Yuanjun Liu, Samantha Sweeney, Shaowei Chen,* Functionalization and Grafting of Nanoparticle Surfaces, Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering, Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry: Surface Science and Electrochemistry, Elsevier, 2017
5. Jing Yang, Guoxing Zhu,* Yuanjun Liu, Jiexiang Xia, Zhenyuan Ji, Xiaoping Shen,* Shikui Wu, Fe3O4-Decorated Co9S8 Nanoparticles in situ Grown on Reduced Graphene Oxide: A New and Efficient Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Evolution Reaction, Advanced Functional Materials, 2016, 26: 4712-4721. (IF =15.621)
6. Guoxing Zhu,* Chunyan Xi, Yuanjun Liu, Jun Zhu, Xiaoping Shen,* CN Foam Loaded with Few-layer Graphene Nanosheets for High-performance Supercapacitor Electrode, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3: 7591-7599. (IF =10.733)
7. Chunlin Bao, Guoxing Zhu,* Jing Yang, Miaomiao Liu, Xiaoping Shen,* Small molecular amine mediated synthesis of hydrophilic CdS nanorods and their photoelectrochemical water splitting performance, Dalton Transactions, 2015, 44: 1465-1472. (IF =4.052)
8. Guoxing Zhu,* Chunyan Xi, Mengqi Shen, Chunlin Bao, Jun Zhu, Nanosheet- Based Hierarchical Ni2(CO3)(OH)2 Microspheres with Weak Crystallinity for High- Performance Supercapacitor, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6: 17208-17214. (IF =8.456)
9. Guoxing Zhu,* Chunlin Bao, Yuanjun Liu, Xiaoping Shen,* Chunyan Xi, Zheng Xu, Zhenyuan Ji, Self-regulated Route to Ternary Hybrid Nanocrystals of Ag-Ag2S-CdS with Near-infrared Photoluminescence and Enhanced Photothermal Conversion, Nanoscale, 2014, 6: 11147-11156. (IF =6.97)
10. Guoxing Zhu, Huan Xu, Yunyun Xiao, Yuanjun Liu, Aihua Yuan, Xiaoping Shen,* Facile Fabrication and Enhanced Sensing Properties of Hierarchically Porous CuO Architectures, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2012, 4: 744-751. (IF = 8.456)
11. Guoxing Zhu, Zheng Xu,* Controllable Growth of Semiconductor Hetero -structures Mediated by Bifunctional Ag2S Nanocrystals as Catalyst or Source-Host, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133: 148-157. (IF =14.695)
12. Guoxing Zhu, Shuguang Zhang, Zheng Xu,* Jing Ma, Xiaoping Shen, Ultrathin ZnS Single Crystal Nanowires: Controlled Synthesis and Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism Properties, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133: 15605-15612. (IF =14.695)
13. 朱國興,鮑春林,季振源,沈小平,一種單罐合成Ag-Ag2S/CdS異質結構的方法,2016,中國,ZL201310726185.X
14. 朱國興,徐歡,沈小平,周紅波,水熱-煅燒法制備納米空心球殼氧化鋅的方法,2014,中國,ZL201210360225.9
15. 朱國興,徐歡,沈小平,周紅波,水熱法合成納米片組裝的氫氧化鎳分級結構微球的方法,2014,中國,ZL201210360198.5