邢衛紅,女,博士,研究員,博士生導師。現任菠菜技术交流论坛校長,曾任南京工業大學副校長。主要從事膜材料與分離工程、膜反應器等研究。先後主持國家自然科學基金委創新群體、國家傑出青年科學基金、國家863、國家重點研發計劃等項目;出版專編著4部,發表SCI論文300餘篇,獲授權中國發明專利200餘件;研究成果獲國家科學技術獎勵5項(其中以第一完成人獲國家科技進步二等獎2項)、何梁何利基金科學與技術創新獎、全國創新争先獎、侯德榜化工科學技術成就獎等獎項。兼任中國膜工業協會副理事長、中國化工學會女科技工作者委員會主任等,擔任《Advanced Membranes》期刊執行主編等職。入選全國傑出專業技術人才、享受國務院政府特殊津貼。
[1] Numerical modeling and experimental verification of ceramic membrane emulsification for stable emulsion production. AIChE Journal, 2024, e18379.
[2] Chelating adsorption-engaged anionic dye removal and Fenton-driven regeneration in ferromagnetic Ti/Co-LaFeO3 perovskite. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 479, 147600.
[3] Preparation of asymmetric tubular Co-SiC catalytic membrane for synergistic removal of PM2.5, NO, and toluene. AIChE Journal, 2024, 70(3), e18325.
[4] Construction of Janus silicon carbide membranes with asymmetric wettability for enhanced antifouling in water-in-oil emulsification process. Journal of Membrane Science, 2023, 671, 121389.
[5] Continuous preparation of water-in-heavy oil emulsion without emulsifier by SiC membranes at high temperature and its micro-explosion performance. Fuel, 2023, 333, 126251.
[6] Silicon carbide microfiltration membranes for oil-water separation: Pore structure-dependent wettability matters. Water Research, 2022, 216, 118270.
[7] Low-temperature sintering of silicon carbide membrane supports from disks to single- and 19-channel tubes. Journal of the European Society, 2022, 42(6):2597-2608.
[8] Transmission of butanol isomers in pervaporation based on series resistance model. Journal of Membrane Science, 2021, 638, 119702.
[9] 仲兆祥,邢衛紅編著,氣體淨化膜材料與膜技術,化學工業出版社,2022
[10] 邢衛紅,陳日志,姜紅編著,無機膜與膜反應器,化學工業出版社,2020