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    發布日期:2017年11月24日 16:31 點擊:





    1. 2012/02–2016/07,澳大利亞卧龍崗大學,IPRI,博士,導師:Attila Mozer

    2. 2008/07–2012/02新奧集團,新奧科技發展有限公司(能源研究院),高級熱能工程師

    3. 2006/08–2008/07,清華大學,化學系,碩士,導師:邱新平

    4. 2005/07–2006/05鞍山鋼鐵集團公司,化工總廠,化工工藝員

    5. 2001/09–2005/07,燕山大學,化學工程與工藝,學士 


    1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目220751102021.1-2024.12,在研

    2. 國家自然科學青年基金217030862018.1-2020.12,結題

    3. 中國博士後基金面上資助2017M6117062017.7-2019.12,結題

    4. 菠菜技术交流论坛高級人才科研啟動基金17JDG0062017.7-2021.6,在研 


    1. Muthusamy, S.; Zhu, D.; Rajalakshmi, K.; Zhu, W. *; Wang, S.; Lee, K.-B.; Zhao, L.*, Successive Detection of Zinc Ion and Citrate Using a Schiff Base Chemosensor for Enhanced Prostate Cancer Diagnosis in Biosystems. ACS Appl. Bio Mater. 2021, 4 (2), 1932-1941.

    2. Zhao, L.*; Xu, Q.; Shao, Z.; Chen, Y.; Xue, Z.; Li, H.; Zhang, J.*, Enhanced Oxygen Reduction Reaction Performance Using Intermolecular Forces Coupled with More Exposed Molecular Orbitals of Triphenylamine in Co-porphyrin Electrocatalysts. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12 (41), 45976-45986.

    3. Muthusamy, S.; Rajalakshmi, K.; Zhu, D.; Zhao, L*.; Wang, S.; Zhu, W.*, A novel lysosome targeted fluorophore for H2S sensing: Enhancing the quantitative detection with successive reaction sites. Sens. Actuators, B 2020, 320, 128433.

    4. Muthusamy, S.; Rajalakshmi, K.; Xu, Q.; Chen, Y.; Zhao, L.*; Zhu, W.*, An azido coumarin-quinoline conjugated fluorogenic dye: Utilizing amide-iminol tautomerism for H2S detection in live MCF-7 cells. Spectrochim. Acta, Part A 2020, 238, 118345.

    5. Zhao, L., Application of stepped light-induced transient measurements of photocurrent and photovoltage in charge-transfer mechanism characterization. J. Chin. Chem. Soc. 2018, 65 (11), 1281-1285 (封面文章)

    6. Zhao, L., Effect of the second chromophore energy gap on photo-induced electron injection in di-chromophoric porphyrin-sensitized solar cells. R. Soc. open sci. 2018, 5 (9)181218

    7. Zhao, L.; Wagner, P.; Barnsley J. E.; Clarke, T. M.; Gordon, K. C.; Mori, S.; Mozer, A. J. Enhancement of dye regeneration kinetics in dichromophoric porphyrin - carbazole triphenylamine dyes influenced by more exposed radical cation orbitals. Chem. Sci., 2016,7,3506-3516 (封面文章)

    8. Han, B.#; Zhao, L.#; Wang, F.; Xu, L.; Yu, H.; Cui, Y.; Zhang, J.; Shi, W., Effect of Calcination Temperature on the Performance of the Ni@SiO2 Catalyst in Methane Dry Reforming. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2020, 59 (30), 13370-13379.

    9. Cho, I.; Zhao, L.; Mapley, J. I.; Shahshahan, S.; Wagner, P.; Gordon, K. C.; Innis, P. C.; Kimura, M.; Mori, S.; Mozer, A. J., Significant Effect of Electronic Coupling on Electron Transfer between Surface-Bound Porphyrins and Co2+/3+ Complex Electrolytes. J. Phys. Chem. C 2020, 124 (17), 9178-9190.

    10. 趙龍; 徐榮平; 盧祎; 靳麗娜; 朱衛華, 新型低溫早強型聚羧酸減水劑的性能研究. 新型建築材料 2019, 046 (007), 128-130.
