My name is Waleed Yaseen,from Pakistan.
I am doing Ph.D. in the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Jiangsu University, with majorEnvironmental Science and Engineering. Fortunately, I caught the systematic professional knowledge and got enough experimental training after oneyear of hard work under the guidance of Prof. Yuanguo Xu. I have submitted my one manuscript as the first author in a leading journal. I have been published four articles as co-author, and two are in the under review. Owing to these achievements, I’m also serving as Vice President of PG academic club, which is a big honour for me to participate in a voluntary contribution to my institution. So far, we have conducted numerous scientific workshops included summer and winter camp, which including (SPSS, Chem draw, Mendeley, Endnote, and Python) software training. We have also organized some training seminar about “how to publish SCI, SSCI research papers” for overseas students with the collaboration of Chinese students.
My study in Jiangsu University is one of the most exciting and enriching experiences I’ve had in my life. The Jiangsu University campus is very big. The University has everything to student needs in order to live: various sports fields, supermarkets, cafeterias, and much more. My School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering administration always providing me the best research facilities and a neat & clean, peaceful environment. All the teachers are well cooperated and always helpand guide me whenever I confronted any challenge during my research.I’ve enjoyed making Chinese friends and discovering delicious food around the campus canteens and in my beautiful city Zhenjiang which made the experience all the more memorable. I have many Chinese friends who always give me a lot of care and love. As time passed by, I started getting more and more involved in the different activities on campus and able to learn about many different cultures that exist in the world while at the same time being able to share mine. Overall, my time at Jiangsu University has allowed me to better understand who I am, what I want to do, and what opportunities exist both in my home country and in China. In the end, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor and mentor, Prof. Jimin Xie, and Prof. Yuanguo Xu. They always guided me and showed me the right path to success and creating such a great environment to learn and encouraged to express our thoughts and opinions.