Welcome to the School of Chemistry&Chemical Engineering Jiangsu University!

Hengbo Yin

Release time:2011/09/30 Click:

Professor Hengbo Yin

Title:Ph.D Supervisor, Master Supervisor

Tel.: 0511-88787591(O)

Email: yin@ujs.edu.cn

Location: Room 119, Chemical Engineering Building,

Jiangsu University




Dr. Hengbo Yin graduated from the Beijing University of Chemical Technology with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering in 1984, and obtained his M.S. in catalysis at Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry and Ph.D. in Materials and Life Science at the Osaka University in 1998 and 1989, respectively. His PhD dissertation research focused on the photo-catalysis by nanosized semiconductors and synthesis of nanomaterials. He was promoted to full professor in 2003. Over the course of his career, he has authored over 350 articles in engineering and scientific journals and written several book chapters. He also has more than 100 patents. His current research focused on chemical engineering and material science, particularly in the areas of heterogeneous nanocatalysis, chemical industrial process

Fields of research:

  • Chemical Engineering: including heterogeneous catalysis by nano-catalysts, and traditional catalysts; chemical industrial process development

  • Material Science: including crystal structure- and morphology-controlled synthesis of nanomaterials; assembly of nanomaterials; design and construction of drug delivery system

  • Synthesis of Fine Chemicals: including synthesis of medical intermediates and biomaterials

Granted Projects:

• Study on the design of catalyst and reaction mechanism for preparing acrolein and acrylic acid from biomass glycerol, National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 21506082), 2016/01-2018/12.

• Study on controllable structure and structure-effect relationship of catalytic system for selective hydrogenation of nitroaromatic compounds catalyzed by binary and multicomponent alloy nanocatalysts, National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 21506078), 2016.01-2018.12.

• Research and development of selective catalytic synthesis technology of p-chlorotoluene and m-cresol, Jiangsu Province Industry-University-Research Project, (Grant No. BY2014123-10), 2014.01-2016.12.

• Research and Production of New Low Noise Composite Titanium Grease, Wuxi entrepreneurial leader (Grant. No. 20130529010040), 2013.01-2015.12.

• 100t/a Special high and low temperature resistant silicone resin, Ministry of Science and Technology International Cooperation (Grant. No. 2011DFR50080), 2011.12-2013.12.

• New materials of ethyl polysiloxane for aerospace applications, Ministry of Science and Technology International Cooperation (Grant. No. 2011DFR50020), 2011.12-2013.12.

Main Publications:

  1. Y. Hang, Y. Si, Q. Zhou, H. Yin, A. Wang, A. Cao, Morphology-controlled synthesis of calcium titanate particles and adsorption kinetics, isotherms, and thermodynamics of Cd(II), Pb(II), and Cu (II) cations, J. Hazard. Materials, 380 (2019) 120789-12802.

  2. A. Wang, Y. Si, H. Yin, J. Chen, J.Huo, Synthesis of Na-, Fe-, and Mg-containing titanatenanocomposites starting from ilmenite and NaOH and adsorption kinetics, isotherms, and thermodynamics of Cu(II), Cd(II), and Pb(II) cations, Mater. Sci.& Eng. B, 249 (2019) 114411-114419.

  3. A. Wang, Mingming Zhang, Hengbo Yin, Shuxin Liu, Mengke Liu,Tongjie Hu, Direct reaction between silicon and methanol over Cu-based catalysts: investigation of active species and regeneration of CuClcatalyst, RSC Adv.,8 (2018) 19317-19325.

  4. A. Wang, X. Zhu, H. Yin, Y. Fu, X.Hou, Chlorination of Toluene to o-ChlorotolueneCatalyzed by Ionic Liquids, catalysts, 8 (2018) 532-547.

  5. H. Yin, H. Yin, A. Wang, L. Shen, Catalytic conversion of glycerol to lactic acid over graphite-supported nickel nanoparticles and reaction kinetics, J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 57 (2018) 226–235.

  6. W. Xue, H. Yin, Z. Lu, A. Wang, S. Liu, L. Shen, Selective Oxidation of 1,2-Propanediol to Carboxylic Acids Catalyzed by Copper Nanoparticles, J.Nanosci. Nanotech., 18 (2018) 5: 3362-3372.

  7. A. Wang, J. Hu, H. Yin, Z. Lu, W. Xue, L. Shen, S. Li, Aldol condensation of acetic acid with formaldehyde to acrylic acid over Cs (Ce, Nd) VPO/ SiO2 catalyst, RSC Adv. 7(2017)48475-48485.

  8. L. Shen, X. Zhou, A. Wang, H. Yin, W. Cui, Hydrothermal conversion of high-concentrated glycerol to lactic acid catalyzed by bimetallic CuAux (x = 0.01-0.04) nanoparticles and their reaction kinetics, RSC Adv., 7 (2017) 30725-30739.

  9. C. Yang, W. Xue, H. Yin, Z. Lu, A. Wang, L. Shen, Y. Jiang, Hydrogenation of 3-nitro-4-methoxy-acetylaniline with H2 to 3-amino-4-methoxy-acetylaniline catalyzed by bimetallic copper/nickel nanoparticles, New J. Chem. 41 (2017) 3358-3366.

  10. A. Wang, B. J. Edwards, Modeling controlled release from hollow porous nanospheresInternational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 103 (2016) 997–1007.

  11. A. Wang, Y. Ji, H. Yin, S. Liu, Synthesis of different-sized SBA-15 nanoparticles and their fluoride release performances from poly(methyl methacrylate) dental restorative resin, New J. Chem. 40 (2016) 9781-9787.

  12. J. Hu, Z. Lu, H. Yin, W.Xue, A. Wang, L. Shen, S. Liu, Aldol condensation of acetic acid with formaldehyde to acrylic acid over SiO2-, SBA-15-, and HZSM-5-supported V-P-O catalysts, J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 40 (2016) 145–151.

  13. W. Xue, H. Yin, Z. Lu, Y. Feng, A. Wang, S. Liu, L. Shen, X. Jia, Catalytic Oxidation of 1,2-Propanediol over Bimetallic Cu@Au Core/Shell Nanoparticles, Catal. Lett. 146 (2016) 1139–1152.

  14. X. Zhu, Y. Fu, H. Yin, A. Wang, X. Hou, Catalytic chlorination of 2-chlorotoluene with gaseous chlorine to 2,6-dichlorotoluene over AlCl3, FeCl3, ZnCl2, and [BMIM]Cl–nAlCl3 (–2FeCl3 and –2ZnCl2) catalysts, Reac. Kinet. Mech. Cat. 118 (2016) 523–536.

  15. Z. Lu, H. Yin, A. Wang, J. Hu, W. Xue, H. Yin, S. Liu, Hydrogenation of ethyl acetate to ethanol over Cu/ZnO/MOx (MOx = SiO2, Al2O3, and ZrO2) catalystsJ. Ind. Eng. Chem. 37 (2016) 208–215.

  16. Y. Feng, A. Wang, H. Yin, X. Yan, L. Shen, Reduction of 3-nitro-4-methoxy-acetylaniline to 3-amino-4-methoxy- acetylanilinecatalyzed by metallic Cu nanoparticles at low reaction temperature, Chem. Eng. J. 262 (2015) 427–435.

  17. Y. Feng, H. Yin, A. Wang, W. Xue, Selectively catalytic oxidation of 1,2-propanediol to lactic, formic, and acetic acids over Ag nanoparticles under mild reaction conditions, J. Catal. 326 (2015) 26–37.

  18. Y. Feng, W. Xue, H. Yin, M. Meng, A. Wang, S. Liu, Selective oxidation of 1,2-propanediol to lactic acid catalyzed by hydroxyapatite-supported Pd and Pd-Ag nanoparticles, RSC Adv., 5 (2015) 106918–106929.

  19. Y. Feng, H. Yin, A. Wang, D. Gao, X. Zhu, L. Shen,M.Meng, Selective oxidation of 1,2-propanediol to lactic acid catalyzedbynanosized Mg(OH)2-supported bimetallic Au–Pd catalysts, Appl. Catal. A: Gen. 482 (2014) 49–60.

  20. Y. Feng, H. Yin, D. Gao, A. Wang, L. Shen, M.Meng, Selective oxidation of 1,2-propanediol to lactic acid catalyzedby hydroxylapatitenanorod-supported Au/Pd bimetallicnanoparticles under atmospheric pressure, J. Catal. 316 (2014) 67–77.


Returns〗     Hits:1150   Date:2011-9-30  

職稱 Professor,Ph.D&Master Supervisor 郵箱 yin@ujs.edu.cn

Address:No. 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province (212013) E-mail:菠菜技术交流论坛,菠菜资源网

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