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    Professor Bernt Krebs of University of Münster Visited Our University

    Release time:2018/09/13 Click:

    Professor Bernt Krebs of University of Münster Visited Our University


    On September 7, 2018, Professor Bernt Krebs of University of Münster visited our university, and gave a wonderful report to the teachers and students of School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering. The reports were emceed by Prof. Weihua Zhu, about one hundred faculties and students attended the report.

    Prof. Bernt Krebs’s report entitled “Metallothioneins: Zinc, Cadmium, Mercury, and Copper Thiolates and Selenolates Mimicking Protein Active Site Features - Structural Aspects and Biological Implications”. In this report, he introduced the synthesis and structure of metallothioneins, also its application and significance in biology. After the report, Prof. Bernt Krebs and attendees had a deep discussion and attendees benefited a lot from the report.

    Bernt Krebs studied chemistry at University of Göttingen (1958-1963) where he received his doctorate degree with G. Gattow in 1965. From 1965 to 1966, he worked as a research assistant with W. C. Hamilton at Brookhaven National Laboratory. After that, he successively served in Univ. of Göttingen, Univ. of Kiel, and Univ. of Bielefeld. Since 1977, he has been Professor of Inorganic Chemistry and Institute Director at the University of Münster. His wide-spread research interests reach from synthesis and structural chemistry of inorganic sulfur, selenium, and tellurium compounds to transition metal oxo compounds and heteropolymetalates, and to the solid-state chemistry of ion-conducting chalcogenides. His special interest is in the field of bioinorganic chemistry, including synthesis and function of biomimetic transition metal complexes and crystal structure studies of metalloenzymes. He has published more than 500 peer-reviewed articles, including 67 in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.. He has received the International Max Planck Award and the Wilhelm Klemm Award of the German Chemical Society.


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